Youth Group

Hosanna is blessed to have two youth groups that both meet on Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM that starts
with a shared meal. The meal is prepared by one of the mothers of the youth. Following the meal, the youth divide into two groups: U10 – for those that are age 10 and younger. And then those that are 11 and older meet together. There is a time after the groups meet for games, snacks and fun.

Last fall, the youth began learning about Orality: a way to learn the stories of Jesus and then share with others who do not know the Lord. The fourth Tuesday of each month, they have this training to help them grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Parents and other adults from Hosanna also participate in this training.

The youth also have the opportunity to take guitar lessons, prior to youth group. They meet at 5:00 PM
on Tuesdays. This is led by Emory Bueller, with the assistance of Nathaniel Eatwell. As the youth have progressed in their guitar lessons, a Youth Praise Band has formed. The guitar lesson time incorporates practice for the praise band. Their goal is to play special music during a worship service.