Ladies’ Bible Study is held on Thursday @ 1:00 PM and again @7:00PM. This involves a Biblical study, whether written by a Christian author, or going through a Book of the Bible verse by verse. The ladies also have a time where they share prayer requests and praises, and they pray together. This is a good time of sharing and fellowship. We are open to having anyone join us. The study is held at the home of the study facilitator. If you are interested in participating, please contact the church at the number at the bottom of the home page. Your information will be passed along to the appropriate person.
This fall, the ladies began studying “Abide” by Jen Wilkin. It has been an excellent study and the author is a dynamic speaker that is very knowledgable in sharing. We are all learning much about I, II, III John.
May and December bring the annual Tea’s for all the ladies of church, both adults and youth. Both
events have a theme, speakers, music, a program, fun, fellowship, and food.
The women and young ladies of church, beginning in September participate in ‘Secret Sisters’. This year, we started something new. There is a Young Ladies Secret Sisters for the younger girls in our congregation. There is also an event for the boys called “UnderCover Brothers”. The boys and young girls are having lots of fun with this. This is a ministry to encourage & support for each other and
involves is drawing an undisclosed name and then praying for this person each day. Blessing them with cards of encouragement and small gifts throughout the eight to nine months we do this. We reveal our secret person at the spring tea.
Periodically, the ladies do have a fun night with pizza and a movie.